
The Wash Belly – 1

Colin was Miranda’s last child.  He  was, in  Jamaican  parlance, the precious  ‘Wash Belly’.  

The youngest of four, he was the centre of Miranda’s life.  

Nick, Colin’s much older half brother, was going through a divorce.  He and his soon to be Ex, Emma, agreed the best thing was to send their sons to his mother during the excitement.

Colin was six.  His nephews Keith, almost three, and Joey almost two, came to stay and captured Miranda.

From the moment Keith and Joey arrived, Miranda loved her grandsons more than her own children.

The only one who felt this was Colin for he was the only one of Miranda’s children who had mattered.

Having been  the centre of his mother’s life. Now shoved to the side with the insertion of two strangers, Colin boiled with resentment.  He became violent and to protect Keith and Joey, Miranda beat  him.  


What do you think?

Written by jaylar