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The Color Crazy Challenge will be changing from Sepia to Pastel Colors on the 27th!

I have really loved all the sepia images in the past week and we still have one more week to go, but I thought you might want to get ready for the color change! Start thinking about the light shades of our primary colors. Pastels are said to bring peace and tranquility, and we sure could use more of this. 

Are you ready for pastels? 

Here are some examples of some pastel colored photos I have taken. 


#1 The pastels

#9 Peek a boo pastel sunset.

#10 Blue pastel fog

What do pastel colors remind you of?

 For me it is Easter and babies! 


What do you think?

14 Points

Written by Kim_Johnson


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    • Thank you! I remember the kids rooms being changed from one was a light pastel yellow, the other a baby blue, to dinosaurs, lions, tigers and jungles. I missed the baby rooms, but the murals were super neat and fun to paint. We have people protesting all up and down the coast, it is a strange week. We just hit a high for san diego county, cases and deaths yesterday. My sons hours have went back up to full time. He works a super center, and the store was at maximum capacity all day at 600 people inside, including workers, all day long for two days now. He has had it already Carol, we just werent aware that is what it was. He is super safe now, and if push comes to shove, im stealing his plasma! lol Hope you have a great week as well.

  1. Wow, here I thought I finally had a color challenge i could wrap my hands around. I love playing poker, and I watch Past Tells all the time.

    So on the 27th I was going to start posting the Tells of my poker buddies.
    then i saw the color chart.

    hosited by my own petard again.


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