
Surviving Adultery – 5

How To Get Rid of Your Spouse


Think of it.  Roberta, who was not unfaithful to Elliot in any form, tells him she is having an affair with his Boss.

She selected his Boss because Elliot despised the man.  She revealed her ‘adultery’ in front of others so that there would not merely be witnesses to Elliot’s humiliation, but to his violence.

She expected him to behave as he did;  most men would.

If he had dismissed her remark, using logic, for there was not a shred of evidence,  forcing calm, then none of this would have spiraled to the point that his whole life would be completely destroyed.

But his whole life was destroyed, because he let the Adultery take control.

If this can happen without a shred of proof, just by the mere statement, imagine how devastated one will be when one actually  perceives Adultery.


What do you think?

Written by jaylar