
Special Ops Wife – 37

Glen, as an honoured service man,  was offered a house at a very low rate.   The House was in the city where Shirley worked.

Glen took the offer and  decided to have his stuff moved from the apartment in the other city. Shirley had nothing to say on it.   And could, with all honesty, say nothing.

The house was fine,  it was more convenient.  She’d have to give up the room at the guest house, meaning some housework, and would  import their son and hire a nanny for the time she was at work.

Considering Glen’s need for rehab, and using every bit of guile she owned, Shirley was able to delay Zac’s actual arrival for a year.

During that year while Glen went through a long process of healing and rehabilitation,   Shirley had Olive visit with Zac each week so that Glen could see him, then return home.


What do you think?

Written by jaylar

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