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Photo Challenge Day 9 – Rose

Here is my photo for the Photo Challenge day 9, a rose from my yard. I have a lot of flowers in my yard, that were here when I moved into the house three years ago. Most I don’t know what they are. But even I can recognize a rose.

I probably don’t keep my yard up like I should, there are a lot of weeds growing. But I do a little yard work on most days. I have four large wooden “pots” I guess you would call them, that have nothing in them. I still haven’t decided what I want to grow in them. So they stay empty for now.


What do you think?

Written by riverwild


  1. I don’t know if you like gardening or not, but the fact is you start doing something in your garden on the most days lately, make you more often in touch with nature, and found more beauty of nature as well. I hope that gives you many benefits.