
On His Arm – 26

Everyone saw how Rachel ‘looked after’ Isaac, and commented to each other how she selected his food.  They decided that she must be his fiancée to be so interested in what he ate.

Rachel took a glass of champagne, told Isaac they’d just drink half the glass, then walked to a far table, a small two seater, sat and ate.

Rachel discussed the vitamin content of the various items on the plate.

A few people walked up to enter conversation but Isaac wasn’t interested. Rachel was becoming annoyed.

Who was this man?  she pondered.   

He had to be so important to get so much attention.  In a way she should feel flattered, but it seemed that he wasn’t interested in her as a woman, only as a dietitian.

All her life she had been what she looked like.   But Issac didn’t seem moved by her beauty, he was interested in her mind.

Was this good or bad?


What do you think?

Written by jaylar

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