
Live On – 16

It took hours for Tom’s family  to get out of the tunnel. Cars had jammed in to escape the tornado.  Now, the get out took careful management.

Once out, Tom’s father drove to a motel, handed his mother money then drove back to town to see the damage.

Tom didn’t know anything, there were no reports, yet.

He was asleep when his father returned, and it wasn’t until the morning Tom learned that their house, all the houses on the block, even the church and the school were gone.

He wanted to ask about the Herrera’s, but knowing how his father felt, didn’t.

A day later, his father drove them to his brother’s place.  They lived in the basement flat.   Tom wanted to see what happened to their house, but his father wouldn’t take him back to the town.

“You don’t need to see it.”

Their house was insured and they would rebuild.   This wasn’t what worried Tom.  He wanted to know about Maya.


What do you think?

Written by jaylar

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