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Kim's Question of the Day!

Do you remember ever being asked, “What do you want to be when you grow up?”

So, here is that question, once again…

Question: When you were a child, what did you want to be when you grew up?

#1 My grandson

Says he wants to be a veterinarian or a scientist. 

#5 Astronaut?

    • lol, my grandson said that when I asked him this the other day. He said, “I wanted to be an astronaut until I saw that rocket blow up.” now its either vet or scientist. Much safer. lol He’s eight years old now. Pretty deep thoughts for a young guy.

      • You must consider your grandchild as my representative to look after you there, grandma.
        For me, that ideal failed when in high school my science learning achievements were only average. You know, I rarely go to class because I hang out more than school.

        • Well thank you Albert! He does a good job of it too! So sad, dashed hopes of a young man. Those were the times right? I also was like that. You could find my out back smoking a cigarette with the other heads! The 70’s rocked!



What do you think?

13 Points

Written by Kim_Johnson


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  1. it really depends on what age i was when you ask.

    i have chased many careers over the years. Stand-up comic was the dream for a while. Before that it was a poet. Then it was principal. All of those changed eventually into what I am now.

  2. As I read the question, I remembered my nephew (at that time he was five years old and now a chemist) who aspired to be a robot, and my mother grumbled to hear it (incidentally she was upset with something at that time). Until now, every time I teased my mother with her grunt at that time, she would tweak my ears.

  3. My choices always changed somewhere along the line I wanted to be a vet assistant. Anyway if I had known what it was to write I would have started as soon as computers came out. Now I am glad I have begun. Poetry I was already writing in many different notebooks.

    • I have had that opportunity, kind of. When I was 30 I used to work at the Humane Society as the vet tech. Loved it, but was too sad to stay. It is really hard working for them or any rescue I would imagine. That’s when I decided to be a groomer. Less red stuff to deal with. 😉 Too bad we didnt know then what we know now right? Do you still write in notebooks sometimes?

  4. Hmm… I rmb when I was really young, I wanted to be superman! LOL
    and then owner of a run-down but surviving comic/video game rental shop so I can play games/read comics for free while still able to have money!!

    hahaha … I’m really have “lofty aspirations”…

    • lol, Yes! Superman!!! Okay, I will have to admit. I wanted to be superman as well when I was super young. I wanted to fly like him.
      Do you ever watch the big bang theory? Thats what the guy does with the speech impediment. I could totally see you doing that. You’d be good at it. I cant see why you cant be both. 😉

      • I knew I wouldn’t be the only one wanting to be superman!!! LOL
        Oh, I didn’t watch Big Bang Theory. I heard about it from friends though, they highly recommend it.

        Haha, too bad now people hardly rent physical books/games anymore, they can easily find it digitally online. Maybe an online shop will do good LOL


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