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Kim's Question of the Day!

I have decided to try something a bit different for a post. 

I thought it might be fun to ask a question a day.

Each day, (M-F) I will ask you one question, and if you would like, leave a comment and answer the question. 

My first question can be seen here. (click the link below)

Question: What could you talk about for 30 minutes with no preparation? 

I could talk about pet grooming, and anything pet related. 

Inside are a few pictures of the dogs I have groomed. 

#1 Penny with a mohawk that is tipped in purple.

She is my moms dog. She is half shih tzu and half chihuahua. Her hair came out the texture of a terrier, course with a hollow shaft. 

#2 The 8 week old labradoodle.

He was about the size of a 2 month old lab. Big knees and feet, and such a cute little face. The wanted his fur on his back at 1/2", and to look natural. I cleaned up his face so he would be able to see and eat without hair getting in the way. 

#3 One unhappy cat.

She was super mad at me, but her fur was super matted. She is a Persian and they often need help as they get older. This is called a lion cut, usually you cut the tail too so there is just a lion tail tip, but they wanted it natural. 


What do you think?

10 Points

Written by Kim_Johnson


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      • OMG! I left that out! But come to think about it, video games are more for playing than talking :p

        They always say that we tend to have more to say when we share about failures so perhaps if I talk about how i kill my plants then it’ll be possible to talk for 30 minutes!! LOL

        • My grandson likes to watch the guys try them out. They do talk a lot about them. I was thinking about that kind of thing. And you made me giggle. Yes, you could talk about what not to do to this plant, that flower, and those veggies!

  1. You have an interesting idea, Kim. If I have to answer as a genuine introvert, I will be silent but if I answer as an introvert who comes out of a cocoon and becomes a communication trainer, I can chirp impromptu about many things for 30 minutes, even about you.

    • Now there is a subject I am lacking in. I mean I love watching movies but to talk about it afterward? I could probably talk for 2 minutes on it. lol And trying to remember actors names. I swear there must be a mental block.

  2. Serious or funny?

    funny would actually limit the topics.
    Serious would really open things up.

    I can talk about the value of exercising twins and dogs 30 minutes a day or more!
    I can talk about a number of technology topics for well more than 30 minutes.

    The one topic that would get me is talking bout myself for 30 minutes. I would get embarrassed quickly.

    • I believe you could talk about just about anything for 30 minutes, except maybe yourself. That sounds like it would be torture to me as well. I would just go blank. That blank stare…
      You are a pro at twinning and dog walks! And the pictures of them all are awesome, and the stories!! Those tech posts, and your knowledge is fascinating when I understand them. 😉 Thanks Doc.

    • She sure was. That is the only thing I don’t like about being a groomer. Cats. They just take it wrong, it starts with that dreaded bath, the water is so wet, the shampoo stinks like flowers, then the wind comes… After looking at your Easter spread I can see why you could talk about cooking without preparation.

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