
How Would You Have it Then – 20

My ‘relationship’ with Cory  was not the standard meet, date, move to focus, get serious, have sex;  it was a blend of accidental, convenient, feels right, normal.

Cory is a coworker who happened to be in proximity during a storm and gained sanctuary in my shack.  

I could have been a Frank instead of a Fran.   I could have been 59 instead of  24.   The house could have been occupied by Mr. and Mrs.  Maltz instead of a Miss.

In short, it wasn’t that Cory Erskine came to Fran Maltz’s house, it was ‘first port in a storm.’

It wasn’t that Cory and Fran took their relationship to the ‘next level’, there hadn’t been  a relationship.

Cory could have just as easily slept on the futon in the other room as in my bed.  We could have just as easily slept fully dressed head to foot.

It just happened as it did.


What do you think?

Written by jaylar

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