This is the final day of the Haiku poetry challenge. I have enjoyed reading all the different Haiku poems. You can post other Haiku poems as you feel inspired.
Are you abnormal
because you can not see well
Just observe the blind
I know someone that is almost totally blind. He can see a little still, but his everyday life does suffer, due to poor eye sight. This man feels bad, because he has to take a magnifiy glass with him when he has to read. He actually can draw, but he has to use his magnifying glass. I told him other people that have a disability could get inspired seeing you not let your poor eyesight stop you from trying something. Sometimes people that have disabilities can teach folks without disabilities something special.
A strong and powerful message, packed in the short form of a Haiku!
Thank you Michelle for your kind words.
Very powerful message. I know a couple where the woman is blind and the man is almost blind. They have a strong desire for life, they travel, and they live their life to the fullest.
Thank you ellie925 for your thoughts about this topic
Reading this makes me think of the visionary work of singer/songwriter Stevie Wonder and the images that his lyrics evoke on albums like “Inner Visions” and “The Secret Life of Plants”, and the visionary writings of Helen Keller who could see the potential for American society despite being deaf and visually impaired.
Thank you Paul for your thoughts.
Being an artist, loss of sight is terrifying to me
I have known artist that could paint or draw without eyesight. I wander what you could draw with your eyes closed. I took an art class in high school, and we had to close our eyes and feel an object and draw it, and mine looked better than i thought it would.
I’m not that kind of artist, I really need to see what I’m doing
They show us how small we all are. How much courage and will is there in one person without disability? And they are real wrestlers. I drop them a hat with a deep bow.
I have a blind cousin. She has been for her adult life and is in her 70s now.
You would never know she was blind, she has adjusted well.
That type of person can help many disabled people go forward in their life with courage.
She has always been an inspiration to me.
This kind of inspirational post is your specialty!
Thank you Albert Herdianto Widjojo for this special comment.
I know that I am special. LOL!!!!