
Getting it so Wrong – 14

Ann had weird ideas about life, the world, religion and met Rina, a woman who was making sense of some of those ideas.

As Ann tended not to listen to complete sentences, hearing a key word and running with it, she came to the twisted conclusion that Rina was saying what  she wanted to hear.

In exchange  of emails Ann posted something to which Rina responded, and if Ann could read better than she heard, would not have ‘interpreted’ it in such a way.

But Ann was one of those people who was more interested in the words coming out of her mouth, or off her fingers, than what was being said, so went off on a tangent. She labelled something Rina had shared; ‘hilarious’.  

Rina had thought Ann was intelligent and one of those people who, like her, could hear between words, read what wasn’t posted, picking up the ‘Vibes’ of the other.

For that word; ‘hilarious’ to be used proved to Rina that Ann had no idea what she was hearing/seeing or how others saw/heard her.

Rina let two days pass before writing again in a  ‘reboot’ style.

Ann didn’t understand why Rina responded as she did, never realising that what she had  written was insulting.


What do you think?

Written by jaylar


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