
Five (unscheduled)Flights a Day – 27

Junior wasn’t feeling good.  He had never been anyone’s slave or flunky.  He’d gone from being a virtual slave to  Gavin and Trevor to Bagga’s control.  

He didn’t like the tone Bagga was  taking, but didn’t have much choice right now.

He didn’t get a salary at his job, if he did, Bagga took it.  He knew Bagga wanted to keep him weak, dependent.

Junior went out of the apartment, walked around the block, passing the playground, seeing the drug store and supermarket across the street, walking past the school, turning left and walking past houses that resembled those in Jamaica; Edwardian types.

He reached the far corner, came down, passing more of the houses, then the apartment building and into the court yard, down, and there was 1404.

He continued to walk, repeating the path past the playground, but turning right, and going along passing stores, until the end of the block where he saw a subway station


What do you think?

Written by jaylar

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