
Chuck Schumor accused President Trump on ‘running government with fun tricks’ and a knockout crisis.

In a Short briefing , House Representative’s speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senate minority leader Chuck Schummer called for President Trump to immediately left shutdown. New York’s Senator said: ‘President Trump has appealed to be afraid. He quoted his words and said: ‘America’s sign must be Statue of Liberty and not a 30-foot high wall.’

There were two listeners to the President Trump’s speech on Tuesday. One American people who are not interested in the overall border wall proposal by survey and the president is responsible for government shortage. No 2 Congressional Republicans.

As far as it is a matter of Congressional Republican issue, it came to mind, that they will use each arrow of their to build the wall. On Wednesday, President is meeting the members of his party on Capitol Hill. He will visit the border on Thursday. Nevertheless, in the Congress, there are already signs of whole in support of President. The president has got more time with his recent effort, but it is not yet clear what he will benefit from..


What do you think?


  1. Let’s see. You mean the Chuck Schumor that voted for the wall when President Obama wanted it and now won’t when there is another caravan coming. It sounds like nothing but throwing rocks at a current president. These people just need to grow up and do whatever it takes.

    Talk to the source. Boarder Patrol and give them what they need. Over it.
