
Brain Squish – 8

People believe what they read on the Internet.   For some reason, they have this mindless belief that whatever is published is true.  

They give more credence to what is on the Internet than to a real newspaper.

The fact that anyone can write anything and have it ‘published’ without any editorial glance doesn’t seem to catch the brain.

People have fabricated all sorts of stories, and people have, without question, accepted them as true.

They don’t research, they don’t ponder, if it is posted on Facebook, it is true.

This kind of “Nineteen Eighty Four” mind control is viral.

Macedonians, who couldn’t care less about who wins an American election can gauge the stupidity of the population and publish article after article of pro-Trump rubbish.

Having their own Blog, (tarted up to look Official; i.e. “United States News Service”, they fill it with ads and make bags of money.

No one who reads the junk can even check an I.P. address (what’s that? you say) so as to know that this site is located in Veles ( a city in Macedonia.)


What do you think?

Written by jaylar

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