
Barry's Diaries – 90

Barry and Madison decided to leave the no place and go where their parents were celebrating at the Company’s venue.

They came out  of the no place and began to walk when an older man accosted them.

“Hey, where you two going?  You want a lift?  My car is right here…”

Madison glanced at the man, and if she was a dog, the fur would have stood up on the back of her neck.  Sensitive to her, Barry felt fear.

“We aren’t going anywhere!”  Madison nearly shouted, “We are talking privately…”  and she linked her arm with Barry’s saying;  “Now what was it Connie said to you?”  in a loud voice.

For a second Barry was off balance then, “She was talking about Angela…”

“Angela?  What could she…” and Madison pulled open the door of a diner, and they entered.   Before the door fully shut, Madison took out her phone, called her mother;

“Mom, me and Barry are in a diner on the corner. Please come for us… the street isn’t safe…”


What do you think?

Written by jaylar


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