
And Comes The Fourth Generation – 155

Joe Rashford Grindley had no intention of paying bills for his mother, and learning that the Board would not pay one cent for her medical care, returned her to the Matron’s house.

As a member of the Fourth Generation, although he did not belong to the Church, he knew the members.

Selma Rashford Grindley, Joe’s mother, was dumped back at the Matron’s Quarters at Miriam House, (which meant no hospital bills) and because all eyes were on him, Joe hired two cheap  practical nurses, to give her ’round the clock’ care.

Joe did not purchase medicines beyond pain killers, and got his mother on a medical scheme for those above sixty.

Selma Rashford Grindley lay dying in the Matron’s Quarters at Miriam House, (living rent free, having all utilities provided) until July 31st, when she finally died.


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Written by jaylar

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