
And Comes the Fourth Generation – 143

Due to the complaint that she was ‘never there’, Ann South developed certain ‘protocols’.

She’d open the door which faced B Block at around 8 am on week days so the tenants would see she was present when they went out.

She’d leave no earlier than 10 am and strive to return by 3 pm. On some days she did her work on the phone so was there.

As the phone belonged to Miriam House and the Board paid the bills it was a plus.

No one could say that Ann South was not physically present at Miriam House.   The fact that while she was there she ignored the tenants  was a shoulder shrug.

Ann decided to take an interest in gardening.  This means she could be seen moving around, planting, trimming, clearly physically present.

On most Sundays she would claim she went to Church, which got her off the premises from about nine to five.


What do you think?

Written by jaylar

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