
And Comes The Fourth Generation – 136

The tenants of Miriam House felt they had succeeded.  They had demotivated Ann South.

They had proven to her that the Matron had no power.

Unknown to them, they could not take credit for her demotivation. Elvis March, the accidental President of the Board, deserved the ‘honour’.

His pompous insulting manner had made Ann want to slap his face.  Instead, she would take all the Board offered and do absolutely nothing at all whatsoever.

Ann realised, as she dressed for her new job at the real estate agency, that Miss Brown must have been in the same position.

She must have made an effort and been insulted  by the tenants or kicked to the pavement by the Board and decided why bother?

Miss Brown, as Ann South, was put ‘in charge’ of a place miles from the Church, rarely visited by any of the members.

A place that many probably didn’t know existed.

A property gifted to the church  as a virtual ‘alms house’ for members which had been turned into a money making ‘dorm’.


What do you think?

Written by jaylar

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