
365 Day Photo Challenge Day 272 what do gray clouds bring…

Carol always posts the coolest cloud and sunset pictures. Mine Is not as good, but I saw the sky yesterday evening on my walk and had to take the pictures. I brought the rain with me from DC! I am truly not sure how I pulled the feat off.  Time is the most interesting thing of course. Rain is not interesting any longer. The afternoon walk is relaxing for me. I started walking at the end of the day (and when I used to run, I ran at the end of the day) when I was a school teacher. The problems, concerns, and issues of the day could be a debate as a ran and later walked.

You to can be a photo challenge creator. Point a camera and ANYTHING. Take the picture, and share!


What do you think?

Written by DocAndersen

One fan, One team and a long time dream Go Cubs!!!!!!!!!!!!!