
365 Day Photo Challenge Day 225 waiting for recycling!

Seattle Washington in the US recently banned plastic straws. I know that may be a day late, but let’s hope it is not too late. There in our front yard, our recycling bins. We started with one bin, but now we need two or more every week. We are trying to reduce the amount of stuff we send to the landfill every week. Two or three years ago, our trash can was two trashcans and a lot more trash. Now we are trying. It isn’t always easy. I drink a sports drink after walking (Vitamin Water Zero) that doesn’t come in large containers today. I have written the company several times about that, reducing their footprint and I hope they will change to larger containers eventually.

Recycling reduces waste, but the problem is there is so much waste.

Anyone can challenge others to be in the photo Challenge. Just hop in and start posting!


What do you think?

Written by DocAndersen

One fan, One team and a long time dream Go Cubs!!!!!!!!!!!!!