
365 Day Photo Challenge Day 201, lamenting a lost chair…

I used to have a massage chair in my office. Now I have a dog chair in my office. I am not sure when I lost control. Probably the day the two of them entered my life. Dylan normally occupies the area under my desk. That has become his cave, although if he gets down to my office first, he will hop on the massage chair. Raven, on the other hand, loves the chair. Mostly because a couple of weeks ago I moved one of the office fans so that it pointed at the chair. Funny how dogs change not only the what and how of your life, but also the presence of or lack of a chair in your office. In my case, it is now a lack of a chair. I do, from time to time sit in the chair still, but am greeted by a sad set of brown eyes while I do.

Only one lab at a time fits on the chair, the two of them make sure of that. There is no room for humans.

Anyone can join the photo challenge!


What do you think?

Written by DocAndersen

One fan, One team and a long time dream Go Cubs!!!!!!!!!!!!!