
365 Day Photo Challenge Day 156

The egg arrived just the other day, sitting in the living room just today. Keecker arrived in a box on the front porch and rolled into the house. The picture is of the egg.  Robots are interesting, and Keecker is the first official entertainment robot. You can store Keecker in one room, and, by launching the application, call Keecker to where you are. On a call relaxing away from your computer, need to start a web meeting? Call Keecker!

The other thing Keecker can do is let you connect and see what is going on in your house when you aren’t there. That functionality is coming in a later software release but is something that gives you great value, a mobile security camera. Stationary video cameras can be avoided. Mobile ones don’t stay in the same place!

Anyone can join the photo challenge – point your camera or cell phone, snap a picture and like you did in Kindergarten – share!


What do you think?

Written by DocAndersen

One fan, One team and a long time dream Go Cubs!!!!!!!!!!!!!