
365 Day Photo Challenge Day 154

There are four dogs living in our house with six humans. People often decry the rise of robots; they will replace human beings. The one thing about robots, they don’t complain about getting the short end of the stick. IE, who is going to vacuum up after four dogs? Meet our robot buddy, Julian. If you must, King Julian (I like to move it move it,) from the movie Madagascar. Julian wakes up every day at 1 pm eastern time and vacuums our main level.

Now, based on the everyday vacuuming, I would love to say that I empty Julian once a week. I don’t; I have to empty Julian every single day. Each day there is enough dog hair to start a dog. If you glued it all onto a pillow, you would have a dog in about three days.

There are Robotic additions to your life that add value and well, clean the floor. Every day at 1 pm, and based on the amount of hair and the time it takes Julian to run each day, we have a somewhat clean floor, for less than 2 hours, once a day seven days a week.

Dogs, please commence shedding now.

Anyone can join the photo challenge – point your camera, click the shutter and share the image!


What do you think?

Written by DocAndersen

One fan, One team and a long time dream Go Cubs!!!!!!!!!!!!!