
Love ItLove It

365 Day Photo Challenge Day 143

Spring was here, and I am fairly certain spring will return. My deepest fear is that it will shift this year from Winter right into summer. We hit 86 degrees on Friday and 84 on Saturday. It wasn’t the hot sticky summer kind of warm. It was not bad, plus there was a nice wind. This morning (Sunday) we had already dropped to 55 degrees outside. Time to turn the heat off for a few days and let fresh air into the house.

This is not the tree I shared the picture of; it is on the other side of our walk. This one is just outside the entrance to our neighborhood but is quite beautiful this year. The white flowers, when they have done their job, fall like snowflakes.  Like snowfall covering everything like a fresh layer of snow including my car! Fun to watch as they flutter to the ground because no matter what they won’t get deep enough to need to be raked or snow shoveled/blown!

Anyone can join the photo challenge – keep posting pictures!!!


What do you think?

Written by DocAndersen

One fan, One team and a long time dream Go Cubs!!!!!!!!!!!!!