
365 Day Photo Challenge Day 112

112 days in, not even halfway, although 12 days thumb picture free which has to count for something! I am continuing my “collection” of “My collections” picture series. As a child, many years ago, there were a couple of Holiday TV specials that always made me happy. Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer and The Grinch that stole Christmas. My wife started buying me Rudolph characters a few years ago.

I also loved the Mike Myers movies like Austin Powers. So I collect those as well. For many years I had a Dr. Evil poster in my office in Indiana. It was destroyed during the move of my office (by me accidentally), or I would still have it.

One of the things that happen, 10, 20 years from now, is a value is “perceived” for the various toys in the box still. The things I collect I doubt will someday be considered valuable. I would love to say they were a bet by me on the price of tomorrow. They are not; they are simply things that I enjoy and love.

Anyone can join the photo challenge. Snap a picture (in the last seven days) and post it with a short description of virily.


What do you think?

Written by DocAndersen

One fan, One team and a long time dream Go Cubs!!!!!!!!!!!!!