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#139 Of The 365 Day Photo Challenge: Zinger At The Vet

This is #139 of the 365 day photo challenge. Anyone can join, just post a photo for 365 days.

Zinger would not come to me this morning. He always wants eat lol, so when I saw him hiding I knew something had to be wrong. The vet just called me, and told me he is going to do blood work etc, to see what is wrong.

He had loose stool for a few days, but I thought it was nothing serious, but this morning it was on the floor, and in his litter box. The vet will be calling me soon. Pray he is alright please!!!!!!!! Tinker died this year, so this is tugging at my heart, so I will do what I have to do for Zinger. Pets are family, so whatever is wrong I pray is treatable. 

I told the vet his behavior has been normal up until this morning.


Image Credit-LaJenna


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14 Points

Written by LaJenna


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  1. Zinger will be okay. Best advice I can give you although it is easier said than done is not to worry about things you cannot control. My thoughts are for your cat to recover quickly. Stay positive.

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