Two months have passed already since losing my Dad. Seems like forever since we talked. I am still taking care of his business. Being the only sibling left, it is all up to me. But I do not mind. I did everything for him while he was here, and so it continues. Just a reminder to all to not take your loved ones for granted. We never know what tomorrow holds for any of us. Savor each moment and enjoy life to the fullest.
I took these photos a few years ago at my Dad’s. His azaleas were just beautiful. They only bloomed a couple of weeks each year. And he has tons of varieties, all different shades of pink. I plan to transplant a few and hopefully grow some in my yard. How special that would be. Wish me luck. Now I wonder who will feed the birds. He loved bird watching as much as I did. So much to be missed, our talks, all leave such a void without my Dad.
sorry for your lose . I know how you feel it has been 25 years since my dad passed and it still hurts and i miss him so dearly . I was 20 when he passed and now 44 and i miss him every single day. ♥
Sorry for your loss, it never gets easier no matter who you lose.
I am sorry for your Loss Carol, allow yourself the time you need to grieve, and know you have prayers going up for you.
Thank you Michelle, each loss is so different. I miss our talks.
It is still too new, Carol, so feel all you can feel for now.
Thank you for the reminder, you are right.
Your dad, must have been a wonderful father.
This is a wonderful piece, Carol
Yes indeed he was. He lived to be 85 and I was not read to lose him. Thank you.
crazy typos…. not “ready” to lose him.
Thank you for this beautiful piece. Have a great weekend
And thank you for your kind words LaJenna.
Such beautiful azaleas, Carol! I am sure they will do well, transplanted into Dustin’s garden. You are no stranger to mourning: I don’t need to tell you anything about it. But you have good friends, who support you and think of you often, and for whom you are an inspiration.
You know, sometimes, when the pain seems unbearable and the tears won’t stop flowing, it comes to me that dementia runs in my family: both my mum and her mum went with it. And I wish it would come to me, so that I would forget everything, and be released from the torture. But no! We need to treasure the memories, however they may buffet our hearts. In the end, memories are all we have. {{Big virtual brotherly hugs}}
Thank you so much Norman. My supportive friends are what get me through. I never thought about wanting dementia, that is exactly how I feel sometimes. Just want to be numb from the pain.
Sorry about that Carol. I’ve been dreaming about my dad almost every night since he died, and that’s about over a year now
Also sorry about your loss Gina. I dream as well. I also talk to my Dad and can feel his presence.
Hard to lose people you love. The Azaleas are beautiful. Treasure the memories.
Yes indeed it is hard. Thanks Pamela.
Sorry to hear about your loss…No words can really help, but sending good thoughts. That sounds like a nice idea to take some of his flowers an transplant them. They are very pretty flowers!
Thank you for your encouragement.
Oh @carol I didn’t know, I can’t imagine how you are feeling because I have my both parents with me and everyday I am with them. I thank and pray to God for them.
People say that time helps but your lost is very recent so your pain is still quite hard for sure. Wish you all the best sweety.
I lost my Mom at age 14, and both siblings, my son, so it’s just me now. Many memories left thank goodness. Almost 15 years since losing my son, sometimes seems like yesterday. Thank you.
Another moving post, Carol! Beautiful flowers and very wise words.
Thank you Ellie. So much pain but so many memories. He was 85. But still not ready to let him go.
They will always remain in our hearts. We have memories. We have their possessions that are very expensive for us. Their pictures. You love the flowers planted in Dustin’s town. They will please your eyes.
Yes I know Elenka but the pain is there as well. Thanks again.
Ouuuhh… I really like the azaleas (other than because they can also be beautiful bonsai) with their beautiful pink flowers! A little under my best friend, Carol, who is very strong and wise!
They are beautiful aren’t they Albert? He talked about them a lot. Oh those talks are what I miss the most.
I understand. Tell Carol that remembering everything beautiful and happy always benefits!
Thank you Albert, I have chills. Good ones. 🙂
“Hello, I’m glad you’re here with me.” Awaken the emotions of love and spread its energy out!
Boy, what Icy wrote is spot on. I lost mine several years ago as well. He was the best dad ever! I think its a great idea to transplant some into Jason’s garden. Then all of you can enjoy the beauty together. My dads ashes were scattered just off the coast at the beach I go to often. I am always reminded of him when I go there. I also have his favorite plants growing in my garden.
I am so sorry you feel the same pain Kim. It never goes away, but neither do the memories. Thank you for being a friend as well. Hugs to you for what is going on with you right now. I think of you often.
Thank you SOOO much, Carol, and thank you for sharing you these moments. Maggie is saying goodbye Monday.
Kim, Going through some oldies today. My heart still breaks. I know yours does too for your sweet Maggie.
Yes it does Carol. I used one of her photos for the jff poll. She was such a great being.
You still have much to do and have to go through so many different stages of mourning. It is still too new, Carol, so feel all you can feel for now. Don’t fight it, just let it take over you, and you will soon get to a peaceful acceptance. I lost my dad 20 years ago, but I still think of him, or something still reminds me of him..
Yes you are right my friend. I am still, and always will be mourning Dustin 15 years later, it is like a roller coaster. Thank you for your encouragement, you have been a friend through so m any good and bad times. I hope things are well in your world. Hugs to you. 🙂
nice content i like it bro