
Chuck And Cheese to the rescue of a child’s disappointment

Could you imagine what was going through the minds of Evan Kazanis and his mother Angel Kazanis when they rented a Chuck E. Cheese in New Jersey to celebrate Evan turning four years of age, only to find out that the 30 people who were invited to the party did not show up?

To say that Angel and Evan were very disappointed would be an understatement. However Taylor Inzinnia who is an employee at the same Chuck E. Cheese parlor where the party that did not have anyone to assist Evan celebrate his fourth birthday felt the same way that they did.

Of course there are going to be some skeptics that are going to be saying to say that Chuck E. Cheese was going to do something for Evan and his mom just to make money no matter what it takes.

Now in my view, Taylor Inzinnis was only going what she is believes what his correct which was to send a message on her Facebook page to her close friends and her colleagues to make up for their disappointment that their plans to have Evan celebrate his birthday as well as get some gifts from his friends.

Taylor was able to get her friends and colleagues were able to buy around a dozen gifts for Evan  as their way of helping him celebrate his fourth birthday a few days later.

Taylor told Angel to come back in a few days so the employees at Chuck E Cheese could have a birthday party for Evan to enjoy even though it would be a few days later.

When Angel and Evan came back to the Chuck E Cheese a few days later, Evan was able to celebrate his fourth year of birthday party that made him happy as well as his mother.

Let us hear three cheers for Chuck E. Cheese’s for their kind act of kindness to a four year old child.


What do you think?

Written by Deepizzaguy

Satire writer, loves WordGirl cartoons, baseball fan and an old school hero fan.