
The New Chairman – part 4

During the years of oppression under the Boss from Hell, we ‘sub-contracted’ a lot of work. We created entities which would enter into reasonable costing contracts with the Company.

Some of these invoices were paid, at the BfH’s request, ‘off the books’ in raw cash. Besides depositing the cheques for our ‘on the books’  company, we pocketed that raw cash for the others.

There were other rackets we ran, which made us feel strong.

Every day, the Boss from Hell would insult us, criticise our work, make demands to demean us. By taking those emoluments, (stealing to be coarse) we made him ‘pay’ for his behaviour.

Every day we had to control our tempers. Some us drank, some smoked, (cigarettes or  pot), because the environment in that office was toxic.

We’d shut off our cell phones the second we were out of the building and not turn them on until the next day, thirty minutes before entry, because the BfH would call at any hour.

We refused to do overtime.

We’d often tell our seconds that we had to run to accounting or another department as there was a glitch, ten minutes  before quitting time. When the Boss from Hell came to our offices, with his last minute demands, we wouldn’t be there, but with a perfectly reasonable excuse.

We changed from those priceless dedicated employees, to the worst unworkers imaginable.

As we were making so much money (off the books and outside of tax) we signed another two year contract.


What do you think?

Written by jaylar