
The Many Uses Of Calcined Clay

Calcination is the treatment of any mineral product at very high temperature (at around 800-degree centigrade to 1000 degree centigrade). While the word is derived from the process through which calcium carbonate is converted into calcium oxide, there may be no calcium involved in the calcination of clay. Calcined clay, therefore, is produced by using the same equipment and process, but with a goal to obtain anhydrous clay. Intensive heating at high temperature can remove all the water and moisture from clay, and can render the individual platelets where the minerals are fused firmly together. The dehydration of the kaolin clay may start at around 600-degree centigrade. But a greater and continuous loss of the hydroxyl ions occurs at around 900-degree centigrade.

Application and Uses of Calcined Clay

The chemical name for Kaolin, China, or Calcined Clay is Aluminium Silicate. The natural properties of this clay include lesser shine, translucence, and absorption of oil. Calcination can further enhance the oil absorption properties of the clay by around 10%. Below is the important and widespread calcined kaolin uses.

Paper Industry

The paper industry may use calcined clay in the form of fillers that can provide for better printing properties like gloss, smoothness, and brightness while lowering the overall cost.

Rubber Industry

Rubber Industry uses the China clay heavily where the clay is mixed with the synthetic as well as natural rubber compounds while being a non-black filler. The calcinated clay can be used in the tires, tube, latex comedy scenes, moulding cable insulation, footwear, belting, plant lining and in other areas.

Ceramic Industry

The white ceramics may also use the Kaolin calcinated clay. The use is common in refractive applications.  The dehydrated kaolin or calcined clay gets adequately softened and can be used for the refractory furniture and castables, and can have other uses as well in the form of investment casting, thermal insulation body forms, and the lower expansion bodies.

Because of the higher plasticity, the calcined clay fares much better than the hydrated clay. Because of the higher water content, Kaolin can be a cause of shrinkage. But the use of calcined clay overcomes this problem and provides for lesser cracking or shrinkage.

White Cement

Because iron can have deleterious properties, the use of kaolin may be preferred in the white cement industry as well. Kaolin consists of silicon and has the lowest of iron content.


Calcined clay is used as a kind of functional extender for the paints (for Titanium Oxide). It can be used for building and painting purposes as well. Because calcined clay is hard, it improves the functional durability of the paints. Calcined clay can be mixed with the flour or starch and can be applied to the Canvas or wooden panels that provide the desired support for painting.

Kaolin is abundant in the crust of Earth and affordable. Leading suppliers can offer you high quality calcined clay that is used in a wide range of industries. Contact a leading Calcined Kaolin Clay supplier and improve the quality of your ceramic, paper, and other products at a very reasonable cost.


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Written by vishal2k89

Vishal Pandey works at a Delhi based leading digital marketing company. He has a powerful knowledge regarding the global marketing trends.

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