
Tales of a Trouble Shooter – Tip 5 (rehash)

When you sell the same goods as competitors, there has got to be something you do differently and better than they do.   Whether it is longer opening hours, whether it is helpful employees, or prizes.

The consumer, standing in the middle, looking at your business and your competitors, must make that step to your business.  How you do it depends on where you are and what is possible.

When your competitors are getting the customers, it is clear they are doing something right.

In the first example, (Tip A)  it was simplicity to get rid of a few of the managers and stay open later and on week ends.

In the second, (Tip B) having a large useful staff to assist customers made it the mecca for those who did a lot of shopping or were old or disabled.

In the third, (Tip C) by letting the loyal customers win, even though one can argue about fairness, the fact was, the raffle wasn’t a lottery.   It wasn’t open to the public.  Just the shoppers.  Hence the shoppers who kept the business alive should be rewarded, not the casual customer.

These actions seem simple, but often are unseen by the Owners/Managers of a business.   As a  Trouble Shooter, (use the name consultant, analyst, whatever you want)  your skill is to see the issue and be able to address it.


What do you think?

Written by jaylar