
Not This Time – 2

Maura had divorced Evan because he was destroying her life.  She had no regrets.  Getting rid of him allowed her to progress.   

Maura had, as Evan,  moved from office to office, but her reason was  different; she was   head hunted by rival organisations, so took the best offer.

Now, she was  in charge of an entire Division.

Evan found out about his wife’s position accidentally.

He was at a bar, running his mouth, when someone asked him;  “Are you related to Maura Garby?”

Being a con man, he made a deceptive smile and replied: “Where do you know Maura from?”

“She’s the senior officer at…”  and the name of the company was given.

It was as if a magical portal had opened and Evan would plunge through it.  

The next day he raced to the company,  applied to work and used the name Evan Smith Garby as a diversion.


What do you think?

Written by jaylar

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