
Democracy Now on Operation Varsity Blues

There are many videos on Youtube about the Lori Loughlin case. More and more Youtubes are making videos to update this issue as well as add their opinion. Many middle classes athletes who worked hard to get an athletic scholarship as well as good grades are pissed off these kids of celebrities have paid the school a large amount of money just to party and hang out in the dorms and college activities. 

But this video is just a summary from Democracy Now. 

One family paid $600 million to get their stupid kid into a big Ivy League college, with the help of William Rick Singer’s Bribery and Cheating expertise.

They even displayed a clip of Olivia Jade talking and laughing about having no interest in going to school. She just wants to party and have fun. She is excited about getting into a dorm and having a roommate. She cannot wait for the college party life experience. I wonder who is going to take her tests and write her papers for four years. Her father might have taught her some skills and tricks to cheat her way through college.


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