There was a website called Bubblews and that changed the world for whole writing community. Most people believe that this site paid only to Americans but the fact was that most of the members lost their redemption due to a small technical problem.
As far I am concerned I was paid every time for three years barring when I redeemed on dot $25 or 50. I learned it a hard way that they had a hidden condition that if your redemption amount was short even by 1 cent (in their books) they would not pay (it was mentioned in their TOI).
There were so many spammers’ accounts deleted that if you redeemed dot on redemption amount the chances of lost redemption were certain. I always redeemed at 30 or $70 and was paid every time and I am not from America.
Therefore if the site comes back with its original terms and conditions of 1 cent for every activity, I will rejoin it immediately!
I also got paid by Bubblews but I was not very active on the site. I was busy reviewing calls then. But a friend of mine was so happy when I introduced Bubblews to her. That was her first site and she was happy receiving $50 per week.
Bubblews was the first site I earned from and so it always holds a special place for me. I didn’t get a few payments towards the end when they stopped paying but I was paid for more than a year. So yes, if the site ever comes back, I will join it.
I was on Bubblews and made around $1,000. I always got paid but I’m an American. Would I go back if it was resurrected? That depends on how it came back. Towards the end they stopped paying. My problem with that was that they continued to make money on my work. That is also why I discontinued posting on Niume. I’m not looking to get rich but, if anyone makes money from my work, I should get a piece of it.
Thanks for sharing interesting post
They won’t come back.
I am sure, they won’t 🙂
Small technical problem? I don’t think so. I would want the $500.00 they owe me!
They owe me 350 but they paid me 4500 plus so I don’t mind as much I would 🙂