
The workout: JOE NIMBLE "be Nimble" Outdoor Challenge

After my covid-19 test, I put on my running attire then immediately drove out to Humboldt Park, so that I can log in some mileage for Alzheimer’s Society – Run for Dementia, and August Running Challenge, but little did I know that I would complete ‘JOE NIMBLE “be Nimble” Outdoor Challenge’ during my run. Joe Nimble required me to run, or it says run 10 kilometers within a week. However, I walked and ran to gain this badge which surprised me because nowhere did the details mention walking, but any who. I think Joe Nimble just requires you to be active outdoors doing anything involving your feet on the pavement. 

#alzheimers #runner #run #strava #thomasgouard #virily #google #skechers #health #joenimble #challenge #chicago #humboldtpark #trail #dementia


What do you think?

Written by Thomas Gouard

Im a military veteran; a full-time college student, and a fitness addict. Fueled by inspiration; God's word; endorphins and laughter!


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    • Most of the parks have parking around the perimeter. If you are lucky you can find a park near the train station like. There is one that I run from named Union Park that is literally outside of the cta station. Some of the neighborhoods, mostly the gentrified ones you will need a permit, but the ‘minority neighborhoods you won’t.

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