
Sleep Research

My doctor and I had a conversation about sleep again. We know that my carcadian rhythm does not change. We know this because of a lot of research, sleep studies and many blood and gene tests. The bottom line is that I wake up at the same time every day, unless I am extremely ill or medicated.

What we are trying to determine how much deep sleep I really need with my unique case and how to make it happen. (It’s a little unnerving).  Since my entire life I have been awake at the same time, I have no problem. That is my normal.  However my doctor is concerned about deep sleep when the body does repairs and if I am truly lacking in that area.  So around 3:00 am within about a 5 minute range I wake up and stay awake even if I went to bed at 2:30 am. (Clearly that is not enough sleep.)

The trick is seeing if we can find a good routine, that works with my body and get me 2.5 hours of deep sleep a night. We would like to eliminate medication if possible. Yes we are looking into idea and yet some of you may have some tricks. If you please send me a message or leave them in the comments.



What do you think?

Written by Ghostwriter


  1. There is a great sleep system called Eight. It basically covers your bed (and on cold nights can warm the best both sides, at the level the person wants. My wife likes 2000 degrees, I like 70 (kidding, she like around 95 degrees).

    It also reports your sleep each night. Helping you figure out if you are getting enough deep sleep.

    • I did a little research on this and have turned that over to my doctor to see what she thinks. Thanks for the suggestion.

      So do you feel like you get enough deep sleep?