

If you don’t stop and analyse you make horrific errors.

Here is a very sad situation.

Abby had come out of an abusive relationship where her husband was jealous of everyone and everything.

She met Billy, who was nothing like her husband.   They were together for a time, then she ran into an old school chum who anyone could see wanted her.

When Billy mentioned that he didn’t like how she was spending so much time with the old school chum, Abby, immediately connected Billy  to her Ex, and ended the relationship.

Subsequently, the old school chum made his play, Abby resisted, But by then it was too late.

So Billy went on with his life, and Abby missed him, but went on with her life.

It was years later, in some discussion group that she realised she had  daubed Billy with the same dirty brush as her Ex, and that had she taken the time to examine everything, she’d never have ruined her relationship with Billy.

This is why you must analyse your Abusive relationship in detail, so that you don’t make stupid mistakes.


What do you think?

Written by jaylar