Mother with Schizophrenia. Child suffering from schizophrenic parent being loved and hatred at the same time

Narcissists; Their Cruelty is Implicit – 12

Mother with Schizophrenia. Child suffering from schizophrenic parent being loved and hatred at the same time

After elevating you to the sky, the Narcissist now  devalues you. They use your need for validation, the need they cultivated and infected you with,  to their advantage.

They withdraw from you as if you did something.  They  appear sullen at every opportunity. They convert every generous thing you do for them as a failure on your part that falls short of their ludicrous expectations.

Nothing can meet their high standards and everything wrong will be pointed out. In fact, even the things they do wrong shall be pinned on you.

They can do this and get away with it because early in the relationship they made you feel so good about yourself. They made you believe in their endless love.

And now, they retract


What do you think?

Written by jaylar