We all want to take care of ourselves, aren’t we? Because our body is our temple that should be given a necessary nourishment. It does not mean that we are self-centered but because our body and looks matter to us simply for a reason that we are important as being.
Our face is the part we use everytime we communicate to anyone. I mean who the hell who doesn’t care about face and looks??? We all do I’m pretty sure. With all due respect in the attitude that everyone has to give so much awareness of other than anything else but face makes a good impression as a person too. It’s just show how we give importance to our physical body which is the good indicator that we do care for ourselves.
Let’s define what microdermabrasion is first, microdermabrasion is a process of penetrating tiny cystrals onto the first layer of skin which is called epidermis that exfoliates and rejuvinates the skin that leaves a soft and a brighter skin. This is basically peels off the dead skin cells that pushes the skin to regenerate by itself. The result is glowing healthy skin.
These are the following skin problems that a microdermabrasion can help to minimize:
Acne and Acne Scarring

<a href="http://www.revitacorp.com.br/clinica-de-estetica/dermaroller-para-gordura-localizada" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Source</a>
Age Spots

<a href="http://sparkofgoodness.com/diy-remedy-getting-rid-brown-spots-skin/" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Source</a>
Dull or Dry Patches

<a href="https://www.inlifehealthcare.com/2014/09/10/7-nourishing-homemade-face-packs-for-dry-skin/" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Source</a>
Fine Lines

<a href="https://www.antiagingvancouver.com/skin-conditions/fine-lines/" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Source</a>
Large Pores

<a href="http://southerncosmeticlaser.com/conditions/enlarged-pores/" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Source</a>
Skin Texture

<a href="https://www.motionvfx.com/mblog/tutorial_on_how_to_get_great_skin_texture_and_tones_without_any_color_grading_in_post,p2693.html" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Source</a>
Sun Spots

<a href="http://yourlifebalancing.com/sunspots-on-skin-removal-prevention/" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Source</a>
Uneven skin tone

<a href="http://www.stylecraze.com/articles/how-to-treat-uneven-skin-tone/" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Source</a>
Very interesting post … I do not have skin problems for now
Nice, good to hear that
My face is just too furry ?
Do you mean hairy? This is not for you, you can try laser to make the hair gone on your face
Healthy skin is very important for our overall health.
Yeah, we have to take good care of the largest organ of our body which essentially protects the whole.
Very interesting article .. thank God, but I have no problems with my skin .. the only problem is that it is getting old
That issue is what we couldn’t escape at all. Good for you, you just have one problem that everyone has?
I totally agree with you, Sheryl
Interesting article. It may be more interesting if you give more possible solutions.
Solution for what?can you elaborate your concern? I may give my point of view about it
If you are asking about the solutions to the presented skin problems, microdermabrasion is the answer to it. It may help minimize and avoid those setbacks but not totally it just helps
I think your article is very interesting considering that basically in general people do care about their faces. The form of care you refer is very likely to be the answer for all of us, but maybe not everyone (at least me … or just me … hehe …) understands what it is, why and how about it, what are the side effects and others -other. That is if you are pleased and this is only friendly advice. Thanks Sheryl.
I know that lots of solutions could be cited with this article but my whole point here is what a microdermabrasion can do? My focus in my article is microdermabrasion not any other solutions. Taking care of a face of an individual differs from the other it depends on their preferences and what they want. Solutions are everywhere and it’s absolutely up to them. Just citing the benefits of microdermabrasion and I have nothing against any other solutions to skin problems.
OK. Thanks again, Sheryl.
You’re welcome Albert
Hmm. Very Infornmative
Thanks hamza. Hope you get some ideas to tell to your friends