
Zendoodle #2

This is my first attempt at making an abstract zendoodle. The idea is not to have a preconceived notion of the final shape, just to start drawing. It’s supposed to be meditative and relaxing, thus the “zen”. However, I found it anything but relaxing or meditative. Trying to come up with an eye-pleasing abstract doodle is hard. I did enjoy the process, it just didn’t work for me the way it is supposed to.

I did the initial sketch in pencil, and then outlined with pen. I later did the shading with both pen and pencil. Creating the dolphin was easier. It is easier to sketch from something you can see or remember, than to come up with something from your own imagination.

Zendoodling is a fun art. I don’t expect to come up with a masterpiece! I intend to have fun and enjoy it.


What do you think?

Written by riverwild