
Winter Salt Lake City, Utah LDS Temple Acrylic Painting

Winter Salt Lake City, Utah LDS Temple Acrylic Painting is an acrylic painting done on a 48×72 inch stretched canvas. That is 4 feet high and 6 feet wide. It is the largest painting I have ever completed. Previous to this the largest painting I had done was exactly half the size.

It was thrilling yet challenging working on a scale this large. I didn’t realize just how much time and paint would be going into a project of this size. It was a commission work, otherwise, I don’t think I ever would have dreamed of working on a canvas this large.

To see the progress from start to finish of this painting, with description and photos, head over to my website and read my latest article by following the link title below!

The Making of the Acrylic Painting “Winter Salt Lake City, Utah Temple”

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