Wind splashing against wisdom’s reach. Exploding on the rock, with a loud screech, speaking whistle none can understand. This the message, lost, none can say where. Oh, search with me, this message flowing away, convincing it, with us, she should stay. Fragrance of the past, we do not comprehend, only the loss do we amend. Seething tone, hot, with torrent reach, leave us with no reproach, enlightenment wave we will grasp, This is what we should ask.
great welcome here on this page..thank you to each and everyone of you..
Interesting lovely image
Lovely post!
Great message here.
Impressive…especially if its your first post. Well done.
Nice friend.
This is a message I’ve been waiting for. See you on the plains behind the enlightenment.
I am on my way..thanks for the message..
Aye, soul brother