
Thirteen things about her

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She thought she was on my mind.

Never mind.

She might have been

whenever we desired a hefty LOL.

One day when her ego had bloated up sky

we thought we should write.

This is what we wrote:

You rot through age

you are three fourth done

your teeth for one are false

your body smelling perfume

like they use in cowsheds

why not apply cow-dung direct

your clothes half a tent

baggy and tights interchanged

your shoes,

normal two legged limps

like you do,

as if you lost a leg.

look like they dipped

in some fetid goo

your hairs

hang like straggle curtain

which all wish to draw

your breasts

where are they after all

rather your hips

is like replaced small fists there

when you laugh

you look like a drunk buffoon

somebody should stick your tit-butt to stop

your triple stomach

layers like kangaroo pouches

hanging as if in need of a hold-up

you are better in open Sun

Standing upright holding your ears by fingers

for thinking in


that we always think of you.

We do think of you

but only how to get rid of you

you jerk

find some hang jaw old man

to do your pram walks!


What do you think?

Written by Glower4

Glower is a writer cum poet who is a commoner endowed with uncanny gift of extreme and deep abstract thought resulting in astonishing written word.

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