I believe I could happily spend a great deal of time just finding fun and interesting things to put inside a frame. I love art work and there are odd arrangements and things all over my homes. I love this series, but I think that the fovorite today is slide five. I ordered a print and my husband is going to select the frame. Do you like that one?
My brother said he really liked number seven in the series. He wouldn’t commit to it bing his favorite, and yet he “really” liked it.
Slide 19 looks very much like my home. I find it comforting.
If you take the time to look at the slides I would love to know what you think of the choices.
The only time a frame job is bad of course is when it is part of a coverup of a crime. 😉 sorry my mind wanders to bad jokes at times.
beautiful images, thank you for sharing
Enjoyed the photos. Those I would enjoy in frames are 6, 11. 12.
Slide 5 has a very interesting design. All the photos were wonderful! ?