
I Stopped Worrying About Little Things And Started Accomplishing the Big Things I Wanted In My Life

  • 3753, Flu Flying
  • 3754, Flu Fusing
  • 3755, Flu Fasting
  • 3756, Flu Freezing
  • 3757, Unaware of Oneness
  • 3758, Oneness Resolving

You may assume correctly from these titles that I am just conquering the flu! These Paintings are really one evolving painting. Like a stop action shot of the creation of a painting. Today not that the flu is pretty much over the images bring to mind the duality we all live versus the oneness of everything. The concept that we are each separate is easy to grasp, but creates most of the worlds problems.

If you can, try to see beyond your separate self and see how you are connected to everything else and how everything else is connected to you. When we live selfish separate lives we become miserly, miserable and misguided. When we understand that we are a part of a much bigger all inclusive ONE. All problems start to resolve.

Did you ever see the example of trying to fit a container of rocks and a container of sand into a small vessel? If you put the sand in first (attempt to accomplish all the small things) the rocks do not fit.

But if you put the rocks in first (attempt to accomplish the bigger more important things) all the small things (sand) seem to fit just fine.


What do you think?

Written by Joel_Bowers

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