
Screams & Shouts

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This is start

of a fresh war

do not think

we are inert

we are fully aware

of your moves

to cover your tracks

the acts behind the curtain

how you wish to harm

and how you like

a hurt to wound deep

we are in protect mode

and would get

right back at you

you know

you are doing

more crimes

to hide one

we will also see

how far and how long

can you go on

now the paper is red

and evidence are solid

with people that are

meant to act

under your influence

they did not

at time of reckon

all this would come

right out

night would

be full of your

screams and shouts!


What do you think?

Written by Glower4

Glower is a writer cum poet who is a commoner endowed with uncanny gift of extreme and deep abstract thought resulting in astonishing written word.

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