Scramble the Sky
Hold your nose High
who’s going to run
after the tell
of a Lie
Oh, My O My
Rambling and scrambling
what we know of the sky
a leader told a bad Lie
the moon closed
and opened one Eye
Earth in shock
missed out on Pie
It is amazing
how a well told
and Sale or Sold
stubborn Lie
can scramble the SKY
Even the Kids
bawl and they
and the Moon can
frown down
from its nose
or nervously open
and shut up one Eye
Trying not to swoon
stutters the Moon
Oh my, oh My!
When a many spoken
LEADER IS a Token of Sly
and a Penny short of Wry
How can you
iron out the dismay
in places on High
and many nice people
are lost to the truth
and miss out
on their “Apple Pie”
Stutter and teeth Clatter
at the Matter
of just having to listen
to that
pretend to be a leader
type of GUY!
Oh my, oh My!!!