Roger recently finished this piece. He was thinking about his girlfriend. It has heart, birds, and mountains etc. I always tell him that drawing can help the mood. He has been finding out this is true, so here is his drawing for today. He calls this art a type of abstract art.
Drawing credit-Roger
The picture looks good … I think that by painting we can express our feelings
Looking vary good. Thanks for sharing
Thank you Perfectfeeds for the nice comment. He will appreciate it!
You welcome dear Lajenna
looking good. Drawing is always a great way to express oneself.
Thank you for the nice comment.
This is great therapy for him.
Thank you Carol, and yes it is.
Drawing can be therapeutic indeed!
Thank you ellie925 for commenting.
Thank you alibb for your support for his drawings.
Looks great!
Abstract can be a good way to express!