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Pilaster versus Plaster

What is pilaster

and how is it different from

plaster-when pilaster

is made with error

the architect

may end up with a plaster

at the hand of the king

or his vassals

enough for me to give you this hint

to know the difference

but then a crow sat on pilaster

crowing it was seeing a pretty stuff

just then king came

and he heard

the cown cown cown of crow

and he was mad

in the afternoon

he never wanted to hear

the caucus sound

and he raised his bow

stiffened an arrow

with aim

and crow came down

with a hurt bad

and he screamed

to be treated at once

with a plaster on bleeds

Now that’s another way to make you



What do you think?

Written by Glower4

Glower is a writer cum poet who is a commoner endowed with uncanny gift of extreme and deep abstract thought resulting in astonishing written word.